Wednesday, October 19, 2011

New Project launched

Crowds flocked to the Greystone Centre at North West Regional College last Thursday evening to support Limavady Custom Cruisers as it commenced its latest project - safely modifying a Skyline.

William Semple, Club Chair said “there was a real buzz about the workshops and car park where exhibitors were showcasing vehicles from various motorsport disciplines and cars were entered into a Show and Shine competition.  A key attraction was the locally based SATS Cosworth Supra, driven by Mark Luney, European Drift Champion Holder and 2011 British Drift Championship runner-up.  We are indebted to people and businesses associated with motor vehicles and motor sport who have given freely of their time and knowledge over the years and we look forward to continued partnership with them.
Rosemary Savage, Club Treasurer and DPP member said “we were all very encouraged at the support shown by the local community.  This particular project is in its infancy, club members will be involved in making the decisions, learning how to project manage and along the way gain more knowledge in particular about road safety.    
She continued “Greg Hyndman and Jonny Mullan, two club members, told the assembled crowd how they had benefitted from club membership, participated in the first project build and the excitement of being involved in the development and raffling of the car, club activities, meeting new people and learning at first hand the horrific consequences of having a crash and the impact it has on those concerned and their families.  Jonny informed everyone present that he had completed his Advanced Driving Test which had improved his driving abilities and they encouraged other young drivers to join the club.” 

Inspector Stephen Haslett continued “unique across Northern Ireland, no young person was involved in a fatal or serious road traffic collision in the Borough last year.  The club will continue to work hard to maintain what has been achieved and everyone is welcome to become involved.  Similar to the last project, we will modify a car legally and safely and through an innovative education programme work to change attitudes to use of the road and improve driving skills."

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