Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Working on skyline

Thursday 24th November by Paul Corscadden

Well it was the first night at working at the skyline. The first thing on
our list to do was to strip out the interior. We started by taking out the
simple stuff like the seats etc, and then moved on the more complex
components.  These proved a little tricky at times.  Our goal was to remove
everything without breaking it to allow bits of the interior to be sold to
raise some money.   We also had to clear out the garage at the back of the
tech to allow us to store the bit safely.  This proved easier said than
done as it was already full of stuff, also there was no light so some of
the guys decided they would make a light for it.  This consisted of
searching the tech for suitable bulbs to ‘borrow’ and then wiring them into
a simple circuit.  After that we began to tidy out the garage and pack our
stuff which had been labelled and packed in boxes safely out of harm’s way.

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